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Holding Space...finding Neutral

Writer's picture: Ilene AntelmanIlene Antelman

‘Holding space.’

Initially I was reluctant to even say those words until I realized no other phrase encompasses the relationship between practitioner and client.

Holding space is an essential foundation of energetic body work, though not unknown in most other forms of therapy..

It requires attuning to someone else’s experience, letting their experience take primacy, unfolding and expanding; allowing yourself to fade into the background. All the while one is paying close attention without infringing on boundaries or intruding into another's experience- maintaining neutrality.


That 'noticing,' from a position of neutrality, is why I call myself a detective- the need to pay attention to the cues embedded in a person’s being, the story they tell, and translating that to when they are on the table.


As a somatic detective my training and body work in Craniosacral, Polarity Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, or any of the other modalities I’ve studied, are all in the service of eliciting what people hold in their being that may no longer serve them.









Ilene Antelman   RCST, RPP, LMT, SEP 

122 W. 26th St, Suite 701

NYC, New York 10001

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"The body holds the score."  -Bessel van der Kolk

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